Monday, March 7, 2016

Stop Setting Yourself On Fire

I'm a lover, I don't do confrontation, and I feel things a lot more when they're happening to other people. I have no idea if that makes any sense, but I get a lot more overwhelmed, anxious, and upset when other people are upset because I know that I can't just fix it. I get nervous that I don't know where they're at and how much control over themselves they have. So basically, I try to do it all. I do everything that I can to surround them in all directions with love, support, encouragement, and the least amount of time alone possible.

I read a quote last night that has really been on my mind. It said, "You don't have to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm."

There are certain people that I resent because I set myself on fire and they couldn't see that. They couldn't see that I was ruining myself to make sure they were okay. As soon as I was no longer of use to them, they dropped me and I didn't and still don't know how to get past that. I never gave myself permission to take care of myself and I guess that's my fault.

By no means am I saying don't be there for the people who need you, but make sure you're not burning yourself to ash while doing it. Take this quote as permission to take a step back and refresh yourself. You, too, are very important.

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