Thursday, September 3, 2015

Sorry, I'm awkward

It's been a while, again, I know. Sorry about that.

So within the last few weeks, I've been hearing a lot of lies. Being new to all this college stuff, I had zero confidence in myself that I could make it through and graduate. I felt unloved. I felt alone. I felt forgotten. I didn't think I had the ability to change anyone's life so what was the point in even trying to write a blog post?

But I'm back and even if I can't, I'm doing this for myself, too.

So I've been thinking A LOT about how I can bring God to my school. It's an absolutely terrifying thought. I'm shy, I'm awkward, and I'm not creative in any way, shape, or form. But it's something I want so badly. I want to be a light to the people around me and I want God's light to shine through me. I want to make this confusing, stressful, and lonely time one that's filled with joy, laughter, and love.

We have the opportunity to CHANGE LIVES here!

Story time! The other night I went to school to go to YoungLife and afterwards while my friend Lindsey and I were waiting for my dad to pick us up, we saw this guy in a shark suit. Like a full on onesie with a shark head. He was just riding his bike around and I guess this guy is featured on the SDSU local snapchat story thing and he's quite the little celebrity. So Lindsey went and introduced herself and started asking him questions about it. Eventually they began talking about why he was doing it and he said, "I just want to people smile." MY HEART MELTED. This guy was basically agreeing to embarrass himself just to make other people smile.

And no, I'm not telling you to go to the store and buy some animal costume, but you know how many small things we could do just to brighten people's days? Something as simple as introducing ourselves to someone who we see is alone on a bench, or smiling at a person walking by, or paying for the person behind us, or picking up someone's pencil so they don't have to get up.

Like I said, I'm shy and awkward and a VERY nervous person and I like to use that as an excuse, but I was reading this book (called Crash The Chatterbox: Hearing God's Voice Above All Others) and it talked about how we often think that we have to go through things alone. We think we're alone. We forget that God is there ALL THE TIME. The way we stop thinking like a nervous wreck is by saying "even if that happens, God says He will..." and in the book it gives examples like protect me, give me peace that passes understanding, catch me, lead me to triumph, make me wiser and stronger as a result of this trial, put me back together.

We forget that it's not about how we can get through something, it's about how we can get through something with God's help.

SO try to step out of your comfort zone, love others, make someone random smile. Remember, this life isn't about you. You're working for the King.

Hope you are all having a wonderful day and I'll talk to ya'll later!


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