We all have weaknesses, whether you want to admit it or not. It could be food, you could be quick to anger, you could be sensitive/emotional, it could be alcohol, boys, girls, trust issues, basically the list goes on and on.
To be honest, I think my weakness is my anxiety. I'm quick to have nervous breakdowns and sometimes the enemy makes me think that I'm all alone in it, that I'm just overreacting, that I really do have something to fear.
A lot of us tend to hide our weaknesses away. We tend to feel ashamed because of them. I mean who wants to be identified as weak, right?
But if you think about it, every single person on this entire earth has a weakness. Every single one.
A lot of the time we feel like God will be disappointed in us if He knows about our weak points, the things we give in to, the things we fear.
Hey, guess what?
That's all wrong.
Today's devotional speaks on this. It says, "Come to me when you are weak and weary... I do not despise your weakness, My child. Actually, it draws Me closer to you, because weakness stirs up My compassion- My yearning to help. Accept yourself in your weariness, knowing that I understand how difficult your journey has been... Rather than struggling to disguise or deny your weakness, allow Me to bless you richly through it."
God wants you to bring your weaknesses to Him. He wants to embrace them and help you through them. He doesn't want you to be ashamed or hide away what you're fighting against.
The crazy thing too is that if you make yourself vulnerable enough to speak publicly about what you're going through, you could help so many people and save so many lives. There's this quote/post thing that says "Let your test be your testimony and let your mess become your message." Your weakness may be the same as another person's weakness and you have the ability to help them through it by being courageous and speaking about it.
One of my friends and I were talking yesterday about how every person pretty much at one point or another in their life goes through the same feelings and thoughts. Many are ashamed and keep it inside their head because they think they're alone, when in reality we all deal with it. We can help so many people by doing something as simple as sharing our stories and speaking truth into other. It is our responsibility to let others know that they're not alone. I think that"s what the devotional meant when it says, "Rather than struggling to disguise or deny your weakness, allow me to bless you richly through it." We feel more fulfilled and worthy when we use our lives to help others.
It's so important to surround yourself with people who want you to know the truth and are so willing to speak and repeat it to you as many times as you need and you're willing to that in return for them.
In summary, don't be ashamed of your weak points. Take them to God and ask for His help. Open up the parts of your life that are in the dark and let His light in on them.
You are not alone. You are strong enough to combat your weaknesses. You are loved. You are not an inconvenience. Be bold. Be courageous. Be vulnerable and share your story with others so that they may never feel alone.
"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans." Romans 8:26
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9
"My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9
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