I think a lot. Sometimes it's a pain in the neck, sometimes a gift. This time, I am grateful.
I was on Instagram (as usual), and came across a girl's account in which there was a comment on her picture about how she's redeemed and loved.
I saw a girl post a picture of her tattoo earlier that said redeemed.
I've seen "saved by grace," too.
I agree. We have been redeemed. We have been saved by grace. But, I think there's such a huge part that people are missing.
We live our lives, we walk as if we have been redeemed and saved by grace. One time. The moment we said yes to Jesus.
But we are missing such a big piece of who God is.
Embarrassingly, most of my crappy stuff that I've done, thought, and said, has been after I said yes. And I know that each moment I'm alive, those kinds of things are being redeemed. I'm BEING redeemed. I'm actively being saved each and every day.
We act as if we have been given a clean slate one time. But the thing about this constant grace we're given, is that it is CONSTANT. And we are being forgiven, made new, healed, each and every moment.
Remember that. God didn't stop when you gave your life to Jesus. He still hasn't stopped. And He won't ever.